Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Apple's New Product...


Apple's New iPad in Production

We may all recall last year when the iPad made its big debut.  Now Apple Inc. has starting making a new version  of  its i iPad. The new version consists o f a built-in camera and faster processor. It will also be thinner and lighter than the first version. However, not everyone can have this new product because the new Ipad will start out only being available through Verizon Wireless and AT&T Inc... this means that people that have Sprint Nextel Corp. or T-Mobile USA will not be able to obtain this product. This is obviously a good marketing stragey for AT&T and Verizon because more people will want to be a part of their network since they can have products that they wouldn't be able to have with other networks. With such a competitive market in today's age it is important for companies to offer products that other companies can't. Also the release of this new product from Apple shows that Apple is moving in the right direction.  Dell Inc. is trying to keep up with Apple and they said they are planning to release a 10-inch tablet that runs on Microsoft. We will see what company will stay afloat in such a competitive market!! My bet is on Apple!!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011



Super Bowl Draws Record Audience

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Impact of Television Commercials...

On TV, New Ways To Gauge the Ads

When it comes to television commercials the competition is very competitive. With this fact in mind it is important for companies to come up with innovative ideas to make them stand out from the rest. This article in the Wall Street Journal illustrates the competitive environment within television. For example, TiVo Inc. is expanding its service that allows advertisers to see how many and what kind of users are viewing their commercials." This will allow companies to know what they have to do in order to stay afloat in such a competitive environment. Today, the average American watches close to four hours of TV each day. With this fact in mind it makes television a great way of marketing. Most TV relies on commercials to exist. The number of TV commercials in a program per hour has been increasing throughout the years. Companies are aware that advertising through the use of television is a great approach in branding themselves in this competitive environment.

Paper Advertising...

EARNINGS...FEBRUARY 3, 2011, 2:04 P.M. ET

New York Times Ad Revenue Slips, Profit Falls



Will Paper advertising eventually go "out of style"? The New York Times Co. is asking this question considering there as been a 26% decline in fourth- quarter profits since rising declines in print advertising have come about. It seems that companies are finding different approaches to get their name out there. There was once a time when paper advertising was all that existed but now with the advancements in technology and so forth, advertising as shifted toward online use. We can't go online without running across some type of advertisement either on the side of the screen or as a pop-up. It can become frustrating but the reality is that it got our attention didn't it? So with this in mind people see that online advertising can sometimes be more effective then paper advertising which can help us understand the dramatic decrease in profits for for print advertising in the New York Times.  We will see if paper advertising will continue to fall in the weeks to come.