Saturday, February 5, 2011

Paper Advertising...

EARNINGS...FEBRUARY 3, 2011, 2:04 P.M. ET

New York Times Ad Revenue Slips, Profit Falls



Will Paper advertising eventually go "out of style"? The New York Times Co. is asking this question considering there as been a 26% decline in fourth- quarter profits since rising declines in print advertising have come about. It seems that companies are finding different approaches to get their name out there. There was once a time when paper advertising was all that existed but now with the advancements in technology and so forth, advertising as shifted toward online use. We can't go online without running across some type of advertisement either on the side of the screen or as a pop-up. It can become frustrating but the reality is that it got our attention didn't it? So with this in mind people see that online advertising can sometimes be more effective then paper advertising which can help us understand the dramatic decrease in profits for for print advertising in the New York Times.  We will see if paper advertising will continue to fall in the weeks to come.

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