Friday, March 11, 2011

AD of the Day...

March 11,2011

Puma, "Blam! Blam!"
by: Gabriel Beltron

Each day ADWEEK posts the Ad of the Day. Today Puma takes the spotlight with their recent ad which blends Jamaica's reputation as home to both quick sprinters and good music. I thought this was a creative way to incorporate the culture of Jamaica into an ad for sneakers. The ad includes a catchy tine and the streets of Kingston. I think that this will definitely capture the attention of many people especially a young audience. The tone and substance both aim to convey a pretty straightforward message which is: buy this gear, run faster and have more fun. There even is a little humor in the ad when a local kid attempting to keep up with the kids in puma sneakers trips and falls since he doesn't have the puma sneakers on! Overall I thought this was a very clever campaign and so did ADWEEK! Check out the ad and the article by clicking on the link below...

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