Thursday, March 24, 2011

Learning the Hard Way...


Burned by Daily-Deal Craze, Small Businesses Get SavvyBy ELIZABETH HOLMES
Retailers have learned the hard way that coupon sites like Groupon Inc. don't always deliver the best options. In a recent article by the Wall Street Journal they talk about how many businesses felt burned after their early experiences with Groupon. Now the small retailers that form the base of its business have become savvier about working with Groupon and other social coupon companies. As the article mentions, Groupon operates in more than 500 markets and has over 60 million users. Through the use of these coupons such as Groupon retailers have learned to better sort out the sites that might be useful because before deal offers came so quickly that once someone failed to read the fine print on a contract from a coupon site that promised shipping and it cost him at least $5,000. In my opinion I think that coupon sites such as Groupon are a great idea because they give people an opportunity to save money which ultimately is what most people want. With this in mind Groupon and other similar services are targeting almost everyone, because after all who doesn't want to save money?!

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