Friday, March 11, 2011

Facebook Expanding Once Again...


Warner 'Likes' Facebook Rentals

Warner Bros. Entertainment said it will start renting movies via Facebook. Considering the popularlity of Facebook it doesn't surprise me that Warner Bros. making this new move.  This represents one of the first times that major media company has used the social-networking site as a means to difrectly offer movies. Not only is this a great idea for Warner Bros. but this is a good plan for Facebook too because they are able to take a cut of the sales by allowing WArner Bros. use its platfroem. Facebook is becoming increasingly populat for uploading and streaming videos. In January, Facebook .com was the sixth most popular viedo site in the US. So far the only movie that has been released is "The Dark Knight" it will be intersting to see how this new use of technology with develop!

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