Friday, March 11, 2011

The World of Facebook...


Facebook to Move Into New Silicon Valley HQ

Facebook Inc. has leased a nine-building Silicon Valley office campous to serve as its new headquarters. This is an obvious indicatior of how much facebook has grown in rceent years. Tey are planned to move into the new headquarters in June or July. This is about two years after moving to its current location. This shows once again how facebook has succeded emnormously over the past two years. Facebook competes with Google Inc. and Twitter Inc. but with their new workers and increasees in its advertising reveniw they are able to stay on top. I think it is mostly due to their great marketing stragies that Facebook has more than 500 million isers and more than 2,000 emplyees. I am curious to see how Facebook will continue to stay on top and grow.

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