Thursday, March 24, 2011

Learning the Hard Way...


Burned by Daily-Deal Craze, Small Businesses Get SavvyBy ELIZABETH HOLMES
Retailers have learned the hard way that coupon sites like Groupon Inc. don't always deliver the best options. In a recent article by the Wall Street Journal they talk about how many businesses felt burned after their early experiences with Groupon. Now the small retailers that form the base of its business have become savvier about working with Groupon and other social coupon companies. As the article mentions, Groupon operates in more than 500 markets and has over 60 million users. Through the use of these coupons such as Groupon retailers have learned to better sort out the sites that might be useful because before deal offers came so quickly that once someone failed to read the fine print on a contract from a coupon site that promised shipping and it cost him at least $5,000. In my opinion I think that coupon sites such as Groupon are a great idea because they give people an opportunity to save money which ultimately is what most people want. With this in mind Groupon and other similar services are targeting almost everyone, because after all who doesn't want to save money?!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Internet Travel...

Marketing Week
March 3, 2011

Travel company Black Tomato looks to beach bonanza

By Branwell Johnson

This article writes about the Internet travel company Black Tomato launching new brands to cater for growing premium segments of the travel market and to to into luxury fashion sales. They are going to be launching the brands called Beach Tomato and Epic Tomato. Beach Tomato is designed to be an authority on beach culture and will offer both holidays and the opportunity to purchase beach fashion items online. I think that it is a good idea that this company is creating new brands because they are creating styles that can relate to different people and different personalities which is important in a target market. People will feel as if they relate to this brand and it will encourage them to buy these products. Black Tomato will target key publications in the luxury travel market for PR and accompany with digital marketing activity, using existing database and social media.

Update on AOL...

Marketing Week
March 2, 2011

AOL cuts 900 jobs following Huffington Post deal

By Lara O'Reilly

In one of my earlier posts I mentioned how AOL was making a big move by making a deal with Huffington Post. I thought it would be great to keep you all updated on what happened with the deal thus far. AOL is planning to cut about 20% of its workforce following the $315m acquisition of the news website. This will mostly affect AOL editorial staff now seen as unnecessary as it combine Huffington Post operations with its own media services. The article states that AOL says that their " strategy remains clear: create high-quality content experiences for consumers, at scale." I think that their overall strategy is very clever and it is unfortunate that they had to cut so many employees. Currently AOL has just 5.3% of the US display advertising market share!


Marketing Week
March 11, 2011

The Perfume Shop plans loyalty scheme

By Rosie Baker

In a recent article from Marketing Week it talks about the Perfume Shop preparing to launch its first loyalty programme as part of an overhaul of its brand communications strategy. The retailer is planning a brand campaign at the end of the year to build deeper brand engagement. I think it is clever for them to take a different approach since other previous activity focused more on price promotions and products. They will be more focused on promoting its "accessible luxury" proposition delivered by in-store fragrances experts. I think it is a great idea for them to have in store experts because it will encourage people to come to their store because most people take the opinion of an expert with much respect. The Perfume Shop is in the progress of looking for an agency to develop a brand campaign that will run across TV!!

Digital Marketing..

Marketing Week
March 11, 2011

Digital marketers can’t look past transparency

By Lara O'Reilly
In a recent article Marketing Week discusses the consumer confusion about online data. It is a law fir product placement broadcasters must display a logo if a paid for reference is to occur, publishers must clearly display "advertorial" for advertising features. The EU Privacy and Electronic Communications Directive which will require marketers to obtain consent from visitors to their site to store and retrieve cookies- the technique which stores information such as passwords and browsing habits. The industry is worried the directive could slow the growth in behavioral advertising. I think that digital advertising needs to reflect the way consumers really act online, rather than relying on old-fashioned guess-work.’t-look-past-transparency/3024382.article

Obama and Retail...

Marketing Week
March 11, 2011

AP sues retailers for using Obama image

By Lara O'Reilly

The Associated Press (AP) is suing American retailers Urban Outfitters, Nordstrom and Zumiez for using unauthorized images of President Barack Obama on their clothing. The original photo, which was used in the ironic "Hop" Obama campaign poster, is owned by AP.  AP says the retailers' use of the image,taken by one of its photographers, is a breach of copyright. The image is also the subject of another legal dispute relating to artist Shepard Fairey who adapted the photo for use in the presidential campaign. AP said it would sue Fairey in 2009 but they settled the dispute in January with an agreement to split the proceeds of his merchandise carrying the image.

Another iPad Update...

The New York Times
Technology..March 11, 2011

In New Case, iPad Starts in an Instant
By Miguel Helft

As The New York Times states, "in technology, fast is never fast enough." When Apple begins selling its iPad 2 on Friday evening, many of the new device's features may be upstaged by a lowly accessory, the "smart cover," a protective case designed by Apple that snaps onto the iPad through magnets and doubles as a stand. I think that the reason Apple is so successful is because they are able to consistently come up with new products such as this. The cover is able to turn on the iPad 2 faster than without it. With this in mind it will encourage people to by this cover because who wouldn't want something that makes their product faster!!

Update on Google...

The New York Times
Business.. March 12, 2011
Google’s Quest to Build a Better Boss
By Adam Bryant

In this article from The New York Times about Google's quest to build better bosses. This was done by Google analyzing performance reviews, feedback surveys and nominations for top-manager awards. I think that the first step in creating clever marketing strategies is having the right  bosses creating the plans. This serves as a foundation for the firm's success. Google is looking for the boss to have a clear vision and strategy for the team, help the employees with career development, to be productive and have results that are relevant to their cause. It seems as if this list is pretty basic for finding a boss but the reality is that it is hard to find people with all of those traits. With this is will be interesting to see who Google Inc. hires!

Update on the iPad 2...

The New York Times
Technology..March 9, 2011
Appeal of iPad 2 Is a Matter of Emotions
By David Pogue

Toward the beginning of my blog I did a post about the anticipation of the new iPad 2. In this article by the New York Times it covers the different reactions of people toward this new product. Some people state that it is "an utter disappointment and abysmal failure" and others states  "My god, am I underwhelmed." It might of been all the advertising and excitement of this new product that have people not getting everything that they expected! Despite these mix emotions the Apple Ipad is the fastest-selling gadget in the history of electronics. I think that products like this are meant for people who love technology and feel as if they need to have the next "hottest" item. For example, many people see this product as completely useless and unnecessary since we already have computers and an iPad, but others simply must have it. Could it be all the advertisements of Apple? I believe that Apple has done a great job at their marketing strategies, not only because they have been so successful, but they because they are able to get people to buy a product that seems unnecessary to some. Another marketing strategy that Apple is taking is by placing the new ipad on sale for the same price as the old one. I am excited to see what else Apple has to offer in the future!


The New York Times
Business.. March 12, 2011

A Changed Starbucks. A Changed C.E.O.

By Claire Cain Miller

In a recent article, The New York Times writes about the successful growth of Starbucks over the years that not even Mr. Schultz could have predicted. Whether we drink Starbucks or not it is hard to deny that it has changed how we drink and order everything. Although Starbucks have been quite successful over the years, during the recession Starbucks nearly "drowned in its caramel macchiato. The company's sals and share price sank so low that insiders worried Starbucks might become a takeover target. The CEO, Mr. Schultz, wants Starbucks to recapture a neighborhood feel. With this idea he unveiled the new, "coffee"- less logo. I think that no matter how successful a company is it is still important to come up with new ideas and keep the company fresh, because people don't want to keep seeing the same old thing. With this in mind I believe that Starbucks will continue to be successful with the bright and innovative ideas of Mr. Schultz.

Spring Break...


Beach Town on Campus: Wooing Spring Breakers

As many of us college students know, spring break is definitely something to look forward to and most of us want to get away from all the stress of school. Marketers have this in mind as well and they are purposely marketing college students and their wants. An article from the Wall Street Journal says that tourism officials from Panama City Beach, Florida have been visiting college campuses all over to let students know that spring break is back and bigger than ever. Panama City Beach has always been known as a hot spot for partying over spring break. After the oil April, many bars were washed up and tourism plummeted. Panama Beach's strategy is to have college students come, have a great time and when they go back home talk about how great the beaches and everything was! I think this is a clever marketing strategy and I am curious to see what people have to say when they come back from their trip.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Benefits of Celebrities in Campaigns...

The New York Times
March 11, 2011

Celebrities Bottle Water for Unicef Sweepstakes

In a recent article from The New York Times they talk about the fifth year of a campaign from a water charity is trying to take a new approach in marketing by turning toward the stars. It is obvious that in order to capture some people's attention you need to include celebrities. I think that this is a gave idea to create a campaign with stars such as Selena Gomez to promote their product. The charity, called the Tap Project, helps Unicef deliver clean drinking water to children in developing countries. The highlight of the campaign will be a multi star initiative called Celebrity Tap. Stars will bottle tap water from their homes, and a case of the bottles will be offered as prizes in a fund-raising sweepstakes. This is an innovative marketing campaign which is important to be successful today!!

Friday, March 11, 2011


The New York Times- Advertising
Published: March 10, 2011

Hotel Campaigns Promote Savings and Memories
by: Stuart Elliott

In a recent article posted by The New York Times they talk about how hotel campaigns are promoting savings and memories, because it seems as if that is what most people are ultimately looking for. Social media like Facebook and Twitter enable hotels, motels and resorts to forge close ties with consumers. It is important for these places to take all the steps necessary to stay ahead in the market place. As we all know the prices of oil are increasing so when people travel they want to save in other places, such as hotels or where they are staying. For example, this article writes about the Hilton introducing a campaign for Homewood Suites that plays up the benefit of saving, their campaign states "Why settle for a fishbowl when you can have more?" The Hilton along with many other resorts, hotels and motels are highlighting the importance of saving in their advertisements which will be sure to attract consumers in today's tight market.

AD of the Day...

March 11,2011

Puma, "Blam! Blam!"
by: Gabriel Beltron

Each day ADWEEK posts the Ad of the Day. Today Puma takes the spotlight with their recent ad which blends Jamaica's reputation as home to both quick sprinters and good music. I thought this was a creative way to incorporate the culture of Jamaica into an ad for sneakers. The ad includes a catchy tine and the streets of Kingston. I think that this will definitely capture the attention of many people especially a young audience. The tone and substance both aim to convey a pretty straightforward message which is: buy this gear, run faster and have more fun. There even is a little humor in the ad when a local kid attempting to keep up with the kids in puma sneakers trips and falls since he doesn't have the puma sneakers on! Overall I thought this was a very clever campaign and so did ADWEEK! Check out the ad and the article by clicking on the link below...

Movie- Rentals...


Blockbuster Avoids Liquidation

It seems that with netflix, on demand, redbox etc. there are so many alternatives to going out and renting movies. With this reality in mind Blockbusters are going out of business. Personally, the one in my neighborhood went out of business about 2 years ago and I know of many others that were forced to close due to competition. A judge Thursday cleared the way for movie-rental company Blockbuster Inc. to sell itself to a group of hedge finds, after lawyers spent all day in courthouse hallways brokering a deal with movie studios that had objected to the sale items. It is difficult for places like Blockbusters to stay afloat in such a competitive market place. Several movie studios, who owed money for DVDs they sold to Blockbuster, had objected to the sale, as the original terms of the deal didn't offer them the recovery they wanted. It seems as if the judges gave Blockbuster a second chance, I just wonder how long it will last when their competitors seem to keep getting bigger as Blockbuster becomes forgotten.

Facebook Expanding Once Again...


Warner 'Likes' Facebook Rentals

Warner Bros. Entertainment said it will start renting movies via Facebook. Considering the popularlity of Facebook it doesn't surprise me that Warner Bros. making this new move.  This represents one of the first times that major media company has used the social-networking site as a means to difrectly offer movies. Not only is this a great idea for Warner Bros. but this is a good plan for Facebook too because they are able to take a cut of the sales by allowing WArner Bros. use its platfroem. Facebook is becoming increasingly populat for uploading and streaming videos. In January, Facebook .com was the sixth most popular viedo site in the US. So far the only movie that has been released is "The Dark Knight" it will be intersting to see how this new use of technology with develop!

Google Being The Middleman...

TECHNOLOGY...MARCH 11, 2011, 5:44 P.M. ET

Google to Help Broker Video Ads

"The King's Speech"...

February 28 2011 at 12:00 PM
San Francisco Chronicle

'The King's Speech' PG-13 version draws curses

Posted By: Vlae Kershner

As I mentioned in my previous post about the Oscars, "The King's Speech" was the favorite of the night winning many awards. The movie even took the award for Best Picture. Since there success at the Oscars the makers of the movie have decided to possibly come out with a pg 13 version. For those of you who have not seen this movie, it is rated R which limits the audience to an older crowd. I think it is a fantastic marketing strategy for the makers of this movie to come out with a pg 13 version because it will probably be very profitable because first of all after people saw how about awards this movie won those who did not see it yet will probably want to see it once it comes out again in theaters and secondly it will be able to attract a larger audience since it will be pg 13. The R rating didn't bother the audiences that mostly saw it in theaters; it grossed $115 million. I am curious to see if they will actually make the pg 13 version and if it will attract more viewers or if the cursing in the original R version is what makes the movie!

Oscar's Not to Impressive...


Oscar's Big Night Comes Up Short

Will AOL Become Top News Producer?


AOL to Acquire Huffington Post

With such a competitive market place it is difficult to remain at the top when new technology and innovative ways of advertising are being created each day. With this in mind AOL disclosed plans to acquire online news website Huffington Post for $315 million, as part of the Internet company's attempt to turn its business around with a strategy of becoming a top producer of news, entertainment and other digital content. Huffington Post is a website founded in 2005 that covers news. I think this is a great move for AOL to make especially in such a competitive market. This will allow them to combine content, community and social experiences for consumers. This is the largest deal the Huffington Post has made since Mr. Armstrong started as chief executive in April 2009. It will be interesting to see how AOL will market this new acquisition and how it will help their company grow.

The World of Facebook...


Facebook to Move Into New Silicon Valley HQ

Facebook Inc. has leased a nine-building Silicon Valley office campous to serve as its new headquarters. This is an obvious indicatior of how much facebook has grown in rceent years. Tey are planned to move into the new headquarters in June or July. This is about two years after moving to its current location. This shows once again how facebook has succeded emnormously over the past two years. Facebook competes with Google Inc. and Twitter Inc. but with their new workers and increasees in its advertising reveniw they are able to stay on top. I think it is mostly due to their great marketing stragies that Facebook has more than 500 million isers and more than 2,000 emplyees. I am curious to see how Facebook will continue to stay on top and grow.

Zippo's New Ideas...



Zippo Preps for a Post-Smoker World


For 78 years, Zippo Manufacturing Co. has been known for its "windproof" cigarette lighters. Zippo has now been trying to survive as a business since the number of smokers has decreased over the years. Their new product is a men's fragrance/ It is being marketed as "the ideal companion for the adventures of the day and the passion of night." this is definitely a different approach from lighters, but I am curious to see how people will react to a former lighter manufacturer making men's cologne.  The new cologne is described as "woody" and "spicy". The concept of the fragrance and packaging will reflect the iconic design of Zippo, with the masculine and rugged values of the Zippo brand. I think is is clever of the Zippo company to branch out with new products yet still maintain their masculine image! I am looking forward to see the success of this product!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Apple's New Product...


Apple's New iPad in Production

We may all recall last year when the iPad made its big debut.  Now Apple Inc. has starting making a new version  of  its i iPad. The new version consists o f a built-in camera and faster processor. It will also be thinner and lighter than the first version. However, not everyone can have this new product because the new Ipad will start out only being available through Verizon Wireless and AT&T Inc... this means that people that have Sprint Nextel Corp. or T-Mobile USA will not be able to obtain this product. This is obviously a good marketing stragey for AT&T and Verizon because more people will want to be a part of their network since they can have products that they wouldn't be able to have with other networks. With such a competitive market in today's age it is important for companies to offer products that other companies can't. Also the release of this new product from Apple shows that Apple is moving in the right direction.  Dell Inc. is trying to keep up with Apple and they said they are planning to release a 10-inch tablet that runs on Microsoft. We will see what company will stay afloat in such a competitive market!! My bet is on Apple!!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011



Super Bowl Draws Record Audience

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Impact of Television Commercials...

On TV, New Ways To Gauge the Ads

When it comes to television commercials the competition is very competitive. With this fact in mind it is important for companies to come up with innovative ideas to make them stand out from the rest. This article in the Wall Street Journal illustrates the competitive environment within television. For example, TiVo Inc. is expanding its service that allows advertisers to see how many and what kind of users are viewing their commercials." This will allow companies to know what they have to do in order to stay afloat in such a competitive environment. Today, the average American watches close to four hours of TV each day. With this fact in mind it makes television a great way of marketing. Most TV relies on commercials to exist. The number of TV commercials in a program per hour has been increasing throughout the years. Companies are aware that advertising through the use of television is a great approach in branding themselves in this competitive environment.

Paper Advertising...

EARNINGS...FEBRUARY 3, 2011, 2:04 P.M. ET

New York Times Ad Revenue Slips, Profit Falls



Will Paper advertising eventually go "out of style"? The New York Times Co. is asking this question considering there as been a 26% decline in fourth- quarter profits since rising declines in print advertising have come about. It seems that companies are finding different approaches to get their name out there. There was once a time when paper advertising was all that existed but now with the advancements in technology and so forth, advertising as shifted toward online use. We can't go online without running across some type of advertisement either on the side of the screen or as a pop-up. It can become frustrating but the reality is that it got our attention didn't it? So with this in mind people see that online advertising can sometimes be more effective then paper advertising which can help us understand the dramatic decrease in profits for for print advertising in the New York Times.  We will see if paper advertising will continue to fall in the weeks to come.